Home Techniques & Tips Christmas Photography Tips

Christmas Photography Tips

christmas photography tips

Well with Christmas almost upon us again, where does the year go? It seems like it was just yesterday I was standing in the cold, wet garden letting off fireworks for the kids!

Anyway, I digress back to Christmas and photography. I thought a quick post on some tips for Christmas photography might go down well right about now so here goes.

Preparation is key to success

As with any shoot being prepared is essential at special times like these as you can’t reset the subject and try again like a portrait or still life, so ensure you are prepared in advance.

  • Ensure your batteries are charged. Do you have spares?
  • Make sure you have plenty of memory cards
  • Assign someone in the family to take photos
  • Don’t forget lighting, is the room well lit, do you need a flash, etc.

Capture the build-up

Don’t just shoot the opening of the presents and call it a day, take some pictures of the whole day like mum (or whomever) preparing the veggies and turkey for instance. Some examples of what you can capture.

  • Food preparation
  • Gift wrapping
  • Decorations going up
  • Setting the table

Get some before and after shots

Before and after shots can be quite amusing post the big day and can really give you a feel of how it went off. Try getting a few shots of everyone together and separately from the same position both before and after your big day.

Christmas Lights

These can make for some very interesting shots with some excellent bokeh, so try to include a few shots of your Christmas lights. Maybe use them to frame some shots and give your pictures a truly magical Christmas feel.

Present Unwrapping

Let us not forget the main event the unwrapping of presents, filled with all kinds of emotions the unwrapping of presents is simply full of photographic opportunities. Facial expressions, excitement, tears (hopefully of joy!) you will capture some amazing moments which you will cherish for years, not to mention annoy the kids with as they get older.

Remember Composition

Don’t forget the basics and ensure you compose your shots, making sure to fill the frame with the subject not just waving the camera around and hope for the best.  If necessary use a telephoto lens to enable you to get closer to the subject without getting in the way of the action.

Watch your Flash

Remember to defuse or reflect your flash so as not to wash out your shots, and you can use something as straightforward and easy an empty milk carton so no need to break the bank! If you have an external flash, try bouncing the light off walls or ceilings for some less intense flash fill.

Remember above all it’s about having fun!

Well there you have the Perfect Picture Christmas photography tips, hope you find them useful if you have any tips of your own why not let us know and leave a comment below.

Here is hoping you all have a very happy Christmas.